Best Practices Guide: AI Essentials in Google Ads

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Google AI multiplies your business results by helping
you drive new customer connections, build high-
quality creative, and make confident decisions
grounded in insights.

Do you have the essentials to succeed with AI? Once
you’ve set your marketing goals and aligned your
efforts to your broader business priorities, review the
checklist below for ways to supercharge your
marketing with Google AI today.

1. Get ready with the right foundation

Strengthen your measurement strategy with high-quality consented data to guide Google AI to better maximise your ROI and business outcomes. First-party data is especially valuable because it comes from the direct relationships you have with your customers.

2. Take action to maximise results with AI-powered campaigns

AI-powered campaigns help you optimise performance in real time to get more conversions and value from your budget. Find untapped demand and drive incremental results from new search queries, channels, and audiences.

3. Shift mindsets to set your org up for success

To unlock the full benefits of Google AI, organisations need to take concrete steps to test new approaches and achieve greater agility to shift budgets to the biggest opportunities.

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Sign yourself up today

Create an account, set your budget, then write your first ad and decide where you want it to show up.