Collaborate with creators to tell your brand’s story

Every day, people come to YouTube to connect with their favourite creators and discover new products. With solutions like YouTube BrandConnect, you can partner with creators to build compelling influencer marketing and sponsored content campaigns that support your business goals.
An image of a beautiful smiling young woman recording an instructional video for social media in a relaxed home setting, teaching the basics of Indian makeup.

Tap into the power of YouTube creators

Boost credibility with partnership ads

Boost credibility with partnership ads

Link authentic creator videos to your ad campaigns to drive performance. Partnership ads powered by BrandConnect work across our AI-powered solutions.
Image of a man wearing glasses with a pair of glasses called out in a separate product feature window.

Find the right creators

Find the right creators

Now testing in select markets, you can identify relevant creators and measure performance in one centralised place, directly in Google Ads.
Image of a woman looking at her phone with a play icon laid over it.

Why you should partner with YouTube creators

  • 81%

    Viewers agree YouTube creators give all info needed to make good decisions.1

  • 73%

    Viewers trust influencers more than big celebrities.2

  • 91%

    Think YouTube has the most influential creators.3

Meet the creators helping brands like yours connect with more customers

  • Aysha Harun
    Aysha Harun
    527k subscribers
  • Jasmine Brown
    Jasmine Brown
    2.3M subscribers
  • Nyma Tang
    Nyma Tang
    1.34M subscribers
  • Michelle Khare
    Michelle Khare
    4.42M subscribers
  • Rhett & Link
    Rhett & Link
    5.23M subscribers
  • Jasmine Brown 2
    Sierra Schultzzie
    1.16M subscribers
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Get started with partnership ads powered by BrandConnect

1 Google/Talk Shoppe, US, UK, BR, ID, IN, Creator-made Ads Ecosystem 2023 study, n=10,003 weekly video users, A18-64. Dec 2023.

2 Google/Talk Shoppe, United States, Creator-made Ads Ecosystem 2023 study, n=2,000 weekly video users, A18-64

3 Google/Ipsos, Rethink Social Study, July 2023-August 2023, online survey, n=13328 US, UK, BR, FR, DE, IT, JP online users 18-54 who use social apps/sites monthly or more often (social apps/sites: Discover, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat).