Illustration of a phone shows example of mobile app interface, showing conversions over time

Stay connected to your campaigns on the go

The Google Ads mobile app helps you track your campaigns in real-time and take quick action to improve advertising performance.

Illustration of a phone shows example of mobile app interface, showing conversions over time


Google Ads dashboard UI shows campaign performance.

Review performance on the go

View advertising performance for your accounts and understand major changes with performance insights.

Google Ads dashboard UI shows campaign performance.

Get notified

Illustration of a phone shows a Google Ads Mobile App notification about campaign conversions.

Receive account updates

Set up custom notifications in real time, so you can hear about the performance and status changes you care most about.

Illustration of a phone shows a Google Ads Mobile App notification about campaign conversions.

Take action

UI shows an optimization score and improve performance button.

Take quick action with recommendations

Review high-impact recommendations across all of your accounts to improve advertising performance.

UI shows an optimization score and improve performance button.

Keep up

Google Ads dashboard UI shows performance for “summer apparel.”

Stay on top of consumer demand with search trends

Review search trends tailored to your business, so you can understand what your customers are searching for.

Google Ads dashboard UI shows performance for “summer apparel.”

Grow your business with Google Ads

  • A male model for walking down the street with graffiti wall in the background. drives performance with the Google Ads Mobile App

    30X increase in website traffic with in-app recommendations

  • The AGY47 team working in a modern day office.

    AGY47 saves time with the Google Ads Mobile App

    2+ hours saved per week

  • Two models for GOAT wearing casual street style outfits.

    GOAT stays up-to-date on the go with the Google Ads Mobile App

    2+ hours saved per week

Get started with the Google Ads Mobile App

We know that using a new tool can be complicated. Click on the text below to learn how you can get started.

  • Download the app

    Download Google Ads mobile app for Android or iOS today. Once you’ve downloaded the app, make sure to keep your app updated to gain access to new features.

  • Log in to your account

    When you open the app, you’ll be asked to sign in with the Google account you use for Google Ads, or you might be signed in automatically with the Google account you use on your device.

  • Stay connected

    Stay connected to your campaigns on the go. Track your campaigns in real-time with custom notifications and improve performance with high-impact recommendations.